[医] 乳腺;
Gynecopathy : Irregular Menstruation, Dysmenorrhea Climacteric Syndrome , Metrorrhagia, Cold in Period, Hyperplasia of Mammary Glands, Climacteric Syndrome.
妇科病:月经不调 、 痛经、闭经 、 崩漏、经期感冒、乳腺小叶增生 、 更年期综合症.
互联网Milk: Liquid secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals to nourish their young.
奶: 雌性哺乳动物在产后一段时期从乳腺分泌的汁液,可用来喂养幼雏.
互联网Objective : To investigate the efficacy of Ru - Ling decoction on hyperplasia of mammary glands.
目的: 观察中药乳灵汤治疗各类乳腺增生症的疗效.
互联网The period during which the mammary glands secrete milk.
互联网Conclusion: The Kidney tonifying and circulationeffective in promoting the growth and development of mammary glands.
结论: 补肾活血中药具有促进大鼠乳腺生长发育的作用.
互联网The young of mammals are suckled on milk secreted by the mother's mammary glands.
互联网Objective To discuss the effects and mechanism ofhyperplasia of mammary glands in rats.
互联网Curcumin also prevented the appearance of gross morphological abnormalities in the mammary glands.
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